Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The Vision for Loft Kids is to present the Gospel of Christ to every child,
to instruct them in putting on the whole Armor of God every day,
to teach the Word (sword of the Spirit),
to teach the importance of knowing God's Word and applying it to their daily lives,
and to see a children's ministry that earnestly and wholeheartedly prays with expectation.
Childcare is proved for all children, ages 0 months through grade 5. Check in upon arrival at our Loft Kids desk.
to instruct them in putting on the whole Armor of God every day,
to teach the Word (sword of the Spirit),
to teach the importance of knowing God's Word and applying it to their daily lives,
and to see a children's ministry that earnestly and wholeheartedly prays with expectation.
Childcare is proved for all children, ages 0 months through grade 5. Check in upon arrival at our Loft Kids desk.

Sunday Mornings
9:30am & 11:15am
A typical service includes children's worship, a study in the Bible, and fun activities for all ages.
Join us at either service!
Join us at either service!