Loft YTH Leadership

Our Vision for Students

The world we live in is full of people who are hurting, people who feel like they don't belong, people who need the love of Jesus. These are the people we are called to minister to: The Least of These (Matthew 25:40). We believe that through 7 core biblical values, Loft YTH will bring the world to have a heartbeat, a pulse, for Jesus.
  • Value 1: Intercessory prayer
  • Value 2: Relational evangelism
  • Value 3: Leaders fully embrace and model the vision
  • Value 4: Disciple multiplication
  • Value 5: A bold vision
  • Value 6: Biblical outcomes (we are producing good fruit!)
  • Value 7: Ongoing outreach programs


  • To teach each student to daily put on the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
  • Teach the students how to #Gospelize the world.
  • Through the work of the Holy Spirit, boldly change the current heartbeat of the world to beat for Jesus.


We are looking for leaders whose lives are defined by humility, authenticity and
dependence on God as they seek to live out gospel advancing values in their personal lives. Student ministry is God's ministry first.

  • Pray daily for the students and leaders. Spend time in the word.
  • Be present on Wednesdays @ 7:00-8:30pm and at other youth functions.
  • Balance your time at home. (Don’t neglect family time for this ministry. Your family is your first ministry.)
  • Be open and honest.

Ask yourself these questions:
  1.    Do you love Jesus?
  2.    Do you love me, them?
  3.    Are you for real?
These are the questions that the youth are asking themselves about you. If you can answer yes to them, then God will use you in a mighty way.
Sound like the ministry for you? Follow the link below to our connect card and we'll be in touch!